Notes about these software offerings

About these software items and donations...

Offered free, with no support implied or available. Did I say free? Sometimes you get what you pay for, but I hope these are useful.
Most 3ds Max scripts are basic enough they should work with any version after Max 9 (and that's a long, long time ago). AfterEffects scripts and/or plug-ins, when available, are CC-2022 and after.

If you feel compelled to donate something, which would be greatly appreciated, may I suggest
Hero Rats No, really. Awesome work.
Doctors without Borders Medical aid without boundaries.
The Heifer Project Providing livestock for beyond-subsistence farming.

For installation instructions, please see the appropriate pages of your software docs. If you bemoan the lack of good instructional manuals these days, here are some alternatives:
For 3ds Max script installation, notes at Script Spot
For AfterEffects... nothing yet (Google might help).
For Fusion and Resolve, both from Blackmagic Design, the forums at Steak Underwater

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