About these software items and donations...
Offered free, with no support implied or available. Did I say free? Sometimes you get what you pay for, but I hope these are useful.
Most 3ds Max scripts are basic enough they should work with any version after Max 9 (and that's a long, long time ago)....
CAD Cleaner
01, JanCAD Cleaner : 3ds Max utility script
The first of several scripts to be migrated to the new web site...
This is another simple script to tidy up imported CAD models. It seems that no matter how good your import algorithms are, there are always a few extra vertices or some odd smoothing areas. I...
Clone and Place
05, FebClone and Place : 3ds Max utility script
This utility script replaces selected objects with instances of a specified object or hierarchy. Because I'm lazy, there is no undo for the "delete selected objects" function. BUT: You can choose not to delete the objects being replaced, just to be safe (...
Warp Control
05, JanWarp Control : 3ds Max macroscript
This is a macroscript to make working with space warps within Max more efficient. You can disable space warps (turn off the binding modifiers) selectively or globally. You can also delete the bindings selectively or globally. There is no "confirmation/are you...